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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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Question And Problem

Who It's For? Who is “right” for Your Unique Home Design Personality, and will this work for me? Who should not enrol in Your Unique Home Design Personality?

Who It’s For? Who Is “Right” For Your Unique Home Design Personality, And Will This Work For Me? Who Should Not Enrol In Your Unique Home Design Personality? Your Unique Home Design Personality course will teach you how to develop your own sense of what makes you shout out loud, “I bloody love that!”   You identify and recognise your unique design personality by being asked to do a range of exercises that will extract as much creative information as you need to produce a high-quality design brief. In this process, your needs and wants will be expressed to provide an

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The Ultimate Design Brief

What is ‘Your Unique Home Design Personality'? (Is it a course to do before starting a residential room makeover?)

Your Unique Home Design Personality is a 10-week online digital course for homemakers wanting to do a basic refresh of a room – through to a renovation (or new build) in their residential home to guarantee ongoing love of the completed project, that comes in on budget.    The Your Unique Home Design Personality course helps develop your confidence and clarifies your understanding of who you are and what you like, so you can step into and be part of the decisions, discussions, and design process.   This is achieved by you, the homemaker, discovering your (and your significant others

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Quote by Arthur Ashe - One Important Key To Success Is Self Confidence.

What am I going to learn in Your Unique Home Design Personality Course before I start my next room makeover?

There's no way around it: the quality of your preparation is essential to the success of your entire home renovation or specific room improvement project.   By focusing on this crucially important yet often overlooked first stage in the design process, you'll lay the foundation for your entire project, which provides ongoing joy to you for many years. Your Unique Home Design Personality will show you exactly how to clearly and concisely document your unique design personality. But, it doesn’t stop there.   Your Unique Home Design Personality course will also show you what information is important when working with

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Preparation before you start any renovation is critical

Where does Your Unique Design Personality fit into my upcoming renovation or new home build?

Where Does Your Unique Design Personality Fit Into My Upcoming Renovation Or New Home Build? Right at the beginning!  When you get clear on what home means for you and what your vision of your future home might look like, then the final result is a space that matches your unique home design personality – right down to your design DNA cellular level. It is important to understand why you’re creating these new spaces or building your home in the first place. It is crucial to get informed and guided to enable you to clearly express your deep-rooted needs and

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Doing a course before renovating sounds complicated

I’m fairly new to renovations and room makeovers. In fact, I do NOT want to DIY, but want to use a design professional (Architect / Interior Designer / Design & Build Company / Landscape Gardener, etc). Is this going to be too advanced for me?

Is This Going To Be Too Advanced For Me?   Is taking a specific course before using a design professional to design my upcoming room refresh just a little advanced or unnecessary?   It truly depends, but it is highly unlikely it will too advanced, complicated or unnecessary…   Before I give you a longer answer, the bottomline is this: The ‘Your Unique Home Design Personality' course is not teaching you to be creative. Nor is it teaching you how to become an interior designer or architect. It guides and helps you to write down what you like, dislike, desire, etc. in a

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How to make a renovation successful

Are you ready to take a leap of faith with your next home renovation project?

Are You Ready To Take A Leap Of Faith With Your Next Home Renovation Project?   Maybe you’ve seen friends take a leap of faith in starting their own business, or deciding they can lose weight, etc.?   You probably also know someone who does that every time they start a DIY project around their home?   Doing any form of home renovation / room makeover is potentially scary. Everyone that I have surveyed (over 1200 of them) has expressed feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed, or misunderstood when talking to a supplier through to their chosen interior designer or architect.

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About Me - Kristina


As a frustrated architect & interior designer, she knows you need to fully understand your design personality before starting any type of home building/renovation project. Take her Your Ultimate Design Brief course, and get back to doing what you do best – enjoying your home for decades to come!  Learn more

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