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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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Blue Sky Thinking When Renting CDC Blog Post

Redefining Your Rental: Crafting a Happy Place with Your Unique Design Personality!

Redefining Your Rental: Crafting a Happy Place with Your Unique Design Personality! 🌟🏠 Ever felt limited by the four walls of your rental property?   Dr. Phoebe Fletcher once shared the same sentiment until she embarked on a transformative journey with Kristina's Your Unique Design Personality course.   Today, Phoebe spends over 2 days a week working from home in her rental, basking in the warmth of an interior she's truly proud of.   Let's unveil the secrets behind her incredible transformation and learn how you too can turn your rental into a joyful oasis!   Embrace Blue-Sky Thinking 🌈

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Happy Home Hacks On Any Budget - rent or own

Happy Home Hacks on Any Budget – Rent or Own

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Creating Home Happiness Without Major Renovations

Creating Home Happiness Without Major Renovations: A Journey into Your Design Personality

Creating Home Happiness Without Major Renovations: A Journey into Your Design Personality Our homes are more than just physical spaces; they are extensions of our identities and sources of comfort. Yet, the pursuit of happiness within these spaces often leads us down costly renovation paths, believing that a complete overhaul is the key to contentment. However,  groundbreaking research suggests otherwise. It reveals a truth that can transform the way we approach home improvement and, subsequently, enhance our mental wellbeing without breaking the bank. Understanding the Home-Happiness Connection Traditionally, the link between happiness and our homes has been underestimated. But what

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Design with Joy Not Stress Amy's Inspirational Tale

Design with Joy, Not Stress – Amy's Inspirational Tale

Design with Joy, Not Stress: Amy's Inspirational Tale Unveiling the Joyful Journey: Amy's Design Transformation 🌟 Amy Baker ‘s story resonates with many of us who have faced the daunting task of renovating our homes. Often, it feels like stepping into a maze of choices, preferences, and endless decisions, leaving you anxious and uncertain.   But fear not! Amy's inspirational journey through my ‘Your Design Personality Course‘ not only transformed her space but also her entire perspective on home design. Let's dive into how she found joy amidst the stress and discovered her true design identity.   Embracing the Uncertainty:

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Unveiling Your Design DNA The Key to Successful Home Transformation

Unveiling Your Design DNA: The Key to Successful Home Transformation

Unveiling Your Home Design DNA – The Key to Successful Home Transformation Introduction Your home is more than just four walls and a roof; it's a reflection of who you are, a space where you should find comfort, happiness, and a profound sense of self.   Every room should tell a story – your story. The journey of creating a home that resonates with your authentic self begins with discovering your Home Design DNA®.   This is the very essence of what makes you tick emotionally, psychologically, and so much more. Understanding your Design DNA is not just a bonus;

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From Worries to Wonders: Amy's Fearless Journey to a Happy Home!

From Worries to Wonders: Amy's Fearless Journey to a Happy Home!

From Worries to Wonders: Amy's Fearless Journey to a Happy Home! Hey there, fabulous homemakers!   Ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of transforming your home? Don't worry; you're not alone!   Meet Amy Baker,- mother, wife, and homemaker just like many of us, she once had doubts and worries about creating a space she truly loved.   Let's dive into her inspiring journey, sprinkled with her own words of wisdom!   Embracing the Challenge Amy started just where many of us do, wondering, “How do I even start? What's my style?” She confessed, “I don't have a style, I

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About Me - Kristina


As a frustrated architect & interior designer, she knows you need to fully understand your design personality before starting any type of home building/renovation project. Take her Your Ultimate Design Brief course, and get back to doing what you do best – enjoying your home for decades to come!  Learn more

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