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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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Interiors And Design CDC Blog Post

Unlocking the Magic of Interiors and Design: Your Journey to a Stylish Home

Unlocking the Magic of Interiors and Design: Your Journey to a Stylish Home 🏡✨   Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the world of interiors and design? At Creating Design Clarity, we invite you to discover the enchantment of creating spaces that echo your personality and aspirations. Our comprehensive course, “Your Unique Design Personality,” is your passport to unlocking the secrets of stylish home decor.   Introduction: In the realm of interiors and design, there's a magical fusion of creativity, functionality, and personal expression. It's not merely about arranging furniture; it's about curating an ambiance that

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Kristina Cope Founder Of Creating Design Clarity

Empowering Homes, Enriching Lives: The Creating Design Clarity Revolution

Empowering Homes, Enriching Lives:The Creating Design Clarity Revolution Simon Cope's perspective on Kristina's mission to help the world of residential spaces.    Company History: Creating Design Clarity, founded by Kristina Cope, emerged from a passion for transforming houses into homes, creating spaces that resonate with the very soul of the inhabitants. With a background in architecture and interior design, Kristina identified a significant gap in the industry: the lack of true personalisation in home designs. Standard templates, designer biases, and trends often overshadowed the unique essence of individuals, leaving many dissatisfied with their living spaces.   In 1995, armed with

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Finding Harmony in Home Design: A Journey of Communication and Understanding

Finding Harmony in Home Design: A Journey of Communication and Understanding

Finding Harmony in Home Design: A Journey of Communication and Understanding Hey there, design enthusiasts!   Ever felt like your dreams for a perfect home extension got lost in translation? Trust me, you're not alone. As an architect, I've seen these communication challenges firsthand, and I get it. That's why I've embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between dreams and blueprints, ensuring every homeowner's vision becomes a reality. Let me take you on a delightful journey, where communication hurdles turn into stepping stones, and where your dream home isn't just a structure but a living, breathing reflection of

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A Designers Promise

Embracing Your Unique Style: A Designer's Promise

Embracing Your Unique Style: A Designer's Promise   Hello, home design enthusiasts!   Picture this: you have a dream for your space, a vision so clear that it practically twinkles with your personality. But there’s a fear, a worry that the professional you hire might not quite grasp the essence of your dreams. I hear you, and I’ve been on a mission to turn this fear into a thing of the past.   Let me whisk you away on a journey – a journey where your personal touch remains sacred, where your dreams are not just heard but celebrated, and

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Colours effect your mood and well being

The Impact of Colour in Interior Design on Your Personality

The Impact of Colour on Interior Design   One of the essential roles of architecture and interior design is to provide an environment that sustains and nourishes your psychological well-being.   This role is made even more important because, in modern society, more than seventy per cent of your lifespan is spent inside your home. [1].   Interior design represents a considerably important factor that affects the users of the space (you and your significant other in your home), both in functional aesthetic and psychological terms.   Colours are an integral part of the world we live in and their

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Designing a Home That's Both Functional and Beautiful for Your Busy Life

From crowded 6-8 children homes to nuclear 1-2 children families…   From a simpler work environment to a modern, hectic, and speedy work life…   From always being at the office 7 days per week to now spending 1-4 days per week working remotely… [1]   From dying in your early 70's to now living independently at home into your late 80's… [2]   This has resulted in YOU making changes in your preferences for your home environment.    You want and demand living spaces in your home that exactly match you, rather than a trend, a strong preference from

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About Me - Kristina


As a frustrated architect & interior designer, she knows you need to fully understand your design personality before starting any type of home building/renovation project. Take her Your Ultimate Design Brief course, and get back to doing what you do best – enjoying your home for decades to come!  Learn more

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