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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Your Unique Design DNA: The Secret Weapon for Creating a Home You Love

Don't Hitch the Cart Before the Horse: Why Your Unique Design DNA Should Guide Your Home Design Journey   Have you ever dreamt of a home that reflects your true essence, a space that resonates with your soul and tells your unique story? A place where every colour, texture, and curve sings in harmony with your deepest desires?    But before you dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and paint swatches, consider this: are you putting the cart before the horse?   Revealing Your Design DNA: The Missing Piece Many home improvement journeys stumble at the starting line, rushing into decisions before taking the crucial step of discovering your

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How To DIY Your Dream Home Without Going Over Budget, Wasting Time, Or Feeling Disappointed

How to DIY Your Dream Home Without Going Over Budget, Wasting Time, or Feeling Disappointed

 “How to DIY Your Dream Home Without Going Over Budget, Wasting Time, or Feeling Disappointed”   As a homemaker who enjoys DIY home improvement projects, (from a simple decor room refresh through to a major renovation), you know the satisfaction that comes with transforming your living space with your own skills.   But you also know how frustrating it can be to deal with unexpected costs, delays, mistakes, and dissatisfaction with the final result. You’re not alone. 😭   According to in-depth research; 76.4% of DIYers are not happy with their finished project, and they typically go over budget by

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Value Proposition

Why Enroll In Your Unique Home Design Personality Course As A Homemaker About To Do A Home Improvement Project?

Convince me, as a homemaker, why I should enrol in your Unique Home Design Personality course before starting my home improvement project. 🏡💡 I'm glad you asked. Here are some reasons why you should trust my suggestions and enrol in your Unique Home Design Personality course: Over 30 years of experience as a home design enthusiast. 🏆 I have helped hundreds of homemakers create their dream homes. I am a qualified architect, interior designer, kitchen designer, and window treatment consultant. I have designed and built multiple homes. I am a regular DIYer with my husband (electrician, hammer-hand with his builder

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Ruth And Cardell Fishers Home Designed By Kristina Cope

How Ruth and Cardell Got A House That Helped To Increase Their Happiness & Provided Ongoing Joy For Decades (And How You Can Too!)

Spend anywhere from $15,000+ on a room refresh / minor home improvement project, to $300,000+ on a major renovation, and you should expect a return on your investment (ROI). Assuming you are not about to sell the home, this return on investment should be long-lasting and personal to you and your “other-half”, who also shares the space… agree? In 1995, Kristina Cope, an architect at Earth Building South Pacific, met Ruth Foubister and Cardell Fisher, who wanted an earth home designed for their new property in Auckland. Kristina tried a different approach when engaging with her new client. She went way beyond

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BRANZ findings on how to have a better outcome during and immediately after the completion of a residential renovation

BRANZ (Building Research Association of New Zealand)¹  surveyed 500+ New Zealand-based residential builders² in 2013 and produced comprehensive research findings to help their builders understand where issues potentially begin…  i.e., this report is 100% from a builder's point of view of how to have a better outcome during and immediately after the completion of a residential renovation.    There is also no feedback from the homemaker on how the finished home improvement project affects them emotionally and physically. i.e., the short-to-middle-term impact “once the dust settles” to dwell and reflect on the finished home improvement project and how they feel about it. (Nor is this implied

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Payback Time

Will I get results overnight or at least pay back my investment in Your Unique Home Design Personality course by the time my next home improvement project is completed?

“What Is The PayBack Time After Doing Your Unique Home Design Personality Course?” “Can I Get Overnight Results?” “Overnight” is 8-10 hours technically, so if you do an “all-nighter” watching and doing the exercises within the 10 pillars of Your Unique Home Design Personality course …then you might know your design personality by the morning…    The result will be that you are definitely tired! I am not sure that is the “payback” you were after 🙂     OK, putting that turn-of-phrase aside;   How Long Will It Take for You to Understand Your Design Personality? It depends!   Assuming

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Trust the Process

Do I get lifetime access to the Your Unique Home Design Personality course material?

Do I Get Lifetime Access To The Your Unique Home Design Personality Course Material?   YES, you get lifetime access to Your Unique Home Design Personality course material.   You also get 12 weeks of in-depth support from me and your fellow homeowner ‘students' via bi-weekly LIVE Q&A Breakthrough Sessions, and access to a vibrant community group of Fearless Happy Homeowners.   You don't need ‘lifetime access' to the course material unless “life's events get in the way…”  The key is community and support.    We (and many other course creators in many different industries) have found that lifetime access

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About Me - Kristina


As a frustrated architect & interior designer, she knows you need to fully understand your design personality before starting any type of home building/renovation project. Take her Your Ultimate Design Brief course, and get back to doing what you do best – enjoying your home for decades to come!  Learn more

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