Designing a Home That’s Both Functional and Beautiful for Your Busy Life

From crowded 6-8 children homes to nuclear 1-2 children families…


From a simpler work environment to a modern, hectic, and speedy work life…


From always being at the office 7 days per week to now spending 1-4 days per week working remotely… [1]


From dying in your early 70's to now living independently at home into your late 80's… [2]


This has resulted in YOU making changes in your preferences for your home environment. 


You want and demand living spaces in your home that exactly match you, rather than a trend, a strong preference from a designer, a home and garden magazine, or an annoying sister-in-law's opinion on how to be better than the Joneses.


This space could be gorgeous and luxurious, peaceful, healthy and functional, simple with minimal details, or a highly personalised eclectic space!


Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder (People Living In The Home)

The secret to knowing which mix of styles, looks, colours and feel suits you (and blends with your partner's design personality) is now necessary in today's world and is possible to achieve cost-effectively.


There is undisputable evidence and research that says you MUST be deeply involved in any home improvement project.  


Learn how you can do this realistically and why. 

If you are looking for long-term happiness in your home environment, read about Ruth and Cardell's experience of their home matching their design personalities


Not matching your home's internal environment with your ‘design personality' can result in many negative consequences.

Taking a leap of faith in yourself is the key to avoiding long-term, expensive negative outcomes. 


You can potentially save money with your upcoming room makeover by DIY. Learn how to DIY your dream home without going over budget, wasting time, or feeling disappointed.


Surely, I can get a design professional to do all this work for me? Isn't that their profession? Not necessarily—learn why here


Is there a way for me to learn what my design personality is in the comfort of my home at my own pace?

Yes! Click here to learn how