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Empowering Homes, Enriching Lives: The Creating Design Clarity Revolution

Empowering Homes, Enriching Lives:
The Creating Design Clarity Revolution

Simon Cope's perspective on Kristina's mission to help the world of residential spaces. 


Company History:

Creating Design Clarity, founded by Kristina Cope, emerged from a passion for transforming houses into homes, creating spaces that resonate with the very soul of the inhabitants. With a background in architecture and interior design, Kristina identified a significant gap in the industry: the lack of true personalisation in home designs. Standard templates, designer biases, and trends often overshadowed the unique essence of individuals, leaving many dissatisfied with their living spaces.


In 1995, armed with a vision to bring personalisation back to design, Kristina started her journey… she delved into extensive research, exploring the psychology of design, the impact of spaces on emotions, and the essence of individuality. This research laid the foundation for what would become the revolutionary Your Unique Home Design Personality Course.


Company Mission:

Creating Design Clarity's mission is to empower individuals to transform their houses into homes that reflect their authentic selves. Kristina and her team believe that everyone deserves to live in spaces that inspire, comfort, and nurture. The company is committed to demystifying the design process, making it accessible, enjoyable, and deeply personal for everyone.


Relating to the Problem:

The problem Kristina Cope is addressing is the lack of personal connection people have with their living spaces. Greater than half (51%) of individuals feel lost in the overwhelming world of design, unsure of how to translate their personalities into their homes. More than three-quarters (74%) of people are dissatisfied with standardised solutions and feel disconnected from their living environment.


Creating Design Clarity's approach directly tackles this issue. By focusing on the individual's unique design personality, the company bridges the gap between personal identity and home design. Your Unique Home Design Personality Course acts as a transformative guide, helping individuals rediscover themselves within the context of their living spaces.


The Solution:

Creating Design Clarity does not prescribe specific designs for the homemakers' spaces.


Instead, after completing Your Unique Home Design Personality Course, homemakers have the freedom to choose their path. They can either 100% DIY their projects or engage a mix of 3rd-party contractors and designers to assist them. This flexibility ensures that the homeowner's vision remains at the forefront of the design process.


Moreover, Creating Design Clarity is not just a solution for homeowners but also for design professionals in the industry. Architects, interior designers, colour consultants, decorators, and builders benefit from working with homemakers who are easy to collaborate with.


These empowered homeowners provide glowing testimonials and recommendations, repeatedly use their services, pay on time, and genuinely love the finished projects, minimising rework and ensuring projects stay within budget.


Homemakers who complete the course gain the ability to own and clearly express their deep-rooted needs and unconscious desires before renovating their homes.


These individuals become part of an exclusive group of Fearless Happy Homemakers, representing less than 25% of all homeowners worldwide who maintain an ongoing love for their completed projects.


In essence, Creating Design Clarity isn't just about transforming physical spaces; it's about empowering you to transform your life, one room at a time.

Are you ready to take the leap?