Q&A Week 9 – Catch Up

Q&A Week 9 – Catch Up
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Cohort 1-23 Week 9 – Pillar 4

Discussing Pillar Four and how everyone perceives this intricate pillar that pulls together styling ideas. Everyone has a different journey … a different path for this work that's what makes us so beautifully unique.

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Cohort 1-22 Week 9 – Pillar 5

Discussing Pillar Five – All about the inspiration aspiration behind the questionnaire for Pillar Five. The BIG questions a designer may ask you to answer all the questions on who you are, how you like to function and what are the important parts you don't want to miss out on including.

You have the time now to do all the preparation, that's what makes this magic for the streamlining the work ahead.

NOTE: You can speed up video with the cog symbol ⚙ in RHS of video controls.